Good question. I like this blog because the frequency of my blogging is indicative of my intensity and focus on my goals at that time period. I have to admit, I’ve been having a difficult time….no not difficult, but it’s been taking me longer to adjust to my new routine. Now I’m adjusted and ready to kick in into high gear.
Before I start banging out a bunch of blogs, I need to catch my readers up on a few things, and report out an overall status of where I am and where I’m going;
The 9-5 Hustle
Now I’m in Consumer Goods instead of automotive. I have worked my way up quickly from cubicle there to office in a matter of 100 days. Now all I have to do is kill it there everyday and I have accomplished my goal of steady paycheck while I build everything else up. I admit, I can give that job more. I have to give it more, and will.
It was rough getting started again. After having such a successful...
Year last year, and then shutting it all down and moving it out to Ct. I'm back to selling things at a steady clip. I still maintaint my powere selller status with ebay which means considerable savings.
The T-shirts are moving at a steady clip. We are using Ebay for this as well. Ebay recently changed it’s format to allow us to post multiple sizes so this has helped considerably!! We are just adding more designs and more shirts by the week.
Wash and Roll
Phew! There is a lot I can say here. Basically I just need to make it to April of 2010 and things will be o the up and up with Wash and Roll. Obviously this is easier said then done, but it’s possible. I’m still losing money like a big dog, but this has the most immediate financial gain and can then be used to generate un-godly sums of investment capital. That vision is keeping me on my grind. It’s hard but I manage.
So to those working a 9-5 and think that they can not for some reason start a business or do something extra, look at this list. This is 100 hours per week of work, and I haven’t even started yet. Yes, I’m sacrificing a lot, but the pay off will be worth it. My focus and vision is unwavering. That’s what is needed to get it done, and do it better then most ever day. Push yourself, because no one will push you! You are responsible for our own success.
"Success will not wait. If I delay, she will become betrothed to another and lost to me forever. This is the time. This is the place. I am the man. "