Michael is a claims adjuster and Lisa is a freelance editor, who works part time from home.
Lisa was laid off from her publishing job and found this gig part time. This job is $17,000 per year less then her previous job. Michael was also laid off and was able to rebound in 5 months. Not too shabby in today's economy, but this job pays $13,000 less.
Here's where the story gets crazy. CNNmoney.com states
"Lisa and Michael, both with college degrees - Lisa also holds a master's - had
to apply for food assistance for their children. Lisa now stays at home
where the couple have a newborn girl, in addition to two other daughters."
Lisa, aka "Mrs. Masters Degree" also states,
"As I get older, I'm finding it's harder to do.""I thought it would be much
easier to be in the middle-class, especially after being in the workforce so
long," said Lisa. "It's been humbling."
Lesson No. 1
If you have to apply for food assistance for your children....
Assistance means that you need help, so don't have another child. You have a Master's degree, go and get another job that pays you what you are worth. Hubby, go get a second job. I guarantee Mike, is sitting around the house, in his mustard stained wife beater watching the game instead of out hustling. Mike should be coming home on Sunday afternoons wearing a Best Buy Blue shirt, or a Target smock until they have their finances in order. We are getting lazy America. This is just plain embarrassing as a country. A couple can earn nearly $50,000 per year and still need food assistance....

They spend 42% on health care. That's what happens when you have three kids, and don't make enough to support them. The health care per kid doesn't vary from household to household (assuming no chronic illnesses exist) therefore, when you can afford to have children your health care cost should be less then 25%.
Now that they have three kids, they need to put all their efforts in making sure that these kids do not suffer because of their lack of planning and selfishness. This means time and money; spend quality time with the children and earn money so they get a head start in life.
Hopefully their kids are smart enough not to make the same mistakes as Mom and Dad!
My Thibault tip of the day.....
If Mike wanted to make some extra money he could be a stunt double for Rob (from Survivor).