I have been in training classes all last week, a personal investment class this past weekend and then Mon, Wed, Thursday and tomorrow more training!
With my energy and Adult ADD it’s been brutal. I do believe however, that with every training if you listen long enough you will take something good out of it. Even it if takes you all day or all week. In most cases attendance is mandatory so you should look for that something good.
One of the training sessions was taught by Gerald “Solutionman” Haman w

What did I learn? I’m a risk taker. At least that’s what I think about myself, and that I am a creat0r. There were doers, Investigators, Checkers, and creators. I was a creating risk taker. I knew that; if I did not that excercise took 20 minutes.
The other good thing is this know brainer tool. I disagree with the whole entire process but the tool itself is actually decent. That's it pictured on the right. It has different buzz words and questions used to spark thoughts related to certain situations when being "Innovative".

No I take that back. It’s not decent, it just has a few questions and quotes on it that need to be remembered by people like us hustling for the riches. It can be accomplished in a daily calendar or planner instead of the costly "KnowBrainer" tool.
So if I could: I will pass on the gems of knowledge and save you eight hours and eight hundred smackerooos!
1. If the sky is the limit what might be possible
2. What seems impossible but if could happen might improve the situations.
3. What would some body famous (Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mark Cuban, Tiger Woods) do about the situation.
Damn! I left the inspirational quotes in the car, and it’s 20 degrees, and I’m in my PJ’s. That means we are SOL.
If anyone out there has any inspirational quotes post them in the comments – for everyone to be inspired.
Thanks for helping a brother out!
Holla at your Boy
If you want to change your life, you may just need to change your mind!
Do all the work you can do, every day, and do each piece of work in a perfectly successful manner.
Put the power of success and the purpose to get rich into everything that you do.
But do not do this merely with the idea of currying favor with your employer, in the hope that he,
or those above you, will see your good work and advance you. It is not likely that they will do so.
-Posted by Ben
From the Science of getting rich.
Where the heck you been my friend? More boring training?
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