Why? How come you can't buy CRAP? Because when opportunity knocks you have to be read

Here is a great example why:
As you well know, I run a string of small businesses. Wash and Roll has been on it's last leg, a victim of local economy (located in Southfield, MI) and a victim of the recession. We have little to no operating capital. At the end of every month our account balance is zero to negative.
Well things that we have done last year are starting to pay off (something to remember: what you do today affects everyday of the rest of your life). So we recently got a contract, A huge contract by our standards. It’s a trucking company with enough rigs where I have to hire another person. Yeah baby!! We were and are elated. Everyone is excited, this is something that we have been waiting for and working for.
After the bottles are popped and the joy dies down I have to figure out how much will this new contract cost me?
That’s a weird question, but if you own a small business you know exactly why I ask this. Here’s why: The job is going to pay roughly $450 per week. Nice!! But here’s the rub, the job costs me $275 (in labor and supplies, so I have to spend $1100 every month. Plus we need a specialty piece of equipment that will cost about $600. So after the first month I'm out $1700.
But wait there’s more,
I send them the first monthly bill after 4 weeks of work, but they have net 60 Payment terms. That means that they pay 60 days after they receive the invoice. Ouch!! Translation: $1100 for two more months plus another $550 just in case the check is late.
So when I get the call I’m happy, but in the back of my mind I know that I’m out $4500 bucks – or $4450 to be exact! Money that I won’t see back for some time. I will get it back, but at the rate of $175 per week starting in 90 days.
Double Ouch! So the moral of the story is I have the $4500 bucks. Why? because I did’t go to Vegas with my boys, Why? Because I didn’t spend more then $200 on Christmas gifts, Why? Because that is how I roll!!!">You tell me what's better, opening the door when opportunity knocks or that $4000 HD 48inch HDTV with Dolby Digital surround sound?
On 2nd thought, Don't answer that!, The thought just makes my old school 17 inch feel that much smaller.
Hey if the TV is too loud, I might not hear opportunity knocking on the door!!
All in for 2010. What are we waiting for!!
1 comment:
Thank you for your insight..and concern to share your knowledge
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