Now that Valentine's Day is over we, can get back to money making, thinking of money, smelling money, holding it and flipping it.
The new job is shaping up exactly to be what it is. A job! I feel like Fred Flintstone bustin' boulders at the quarrey. If I had to come to this place and do this job everyday....Just kill me now. The sad part is, that this job is 100% better then my last, and my boss is crazy cool.

Am I doing enough?....I think so but enough is never enough until you are there. I read in Forbes this month about the website www.minniepauz.com This lady lives about 15 miles from my job (Oxford, MI), and makes $30,000.00 per year off her website at home.
She gets 1200 hits per day and gets paid from advertisers. I get like 350 per week and have a bigger target audience. No disrespect, but the website is not all that. I think you just have to find something to do and make up your mind to kill it. Trump says find something you like doing. I disagree. I say, find something that you can tolerate doing
I recently had "Senn Delaney" leadership training. One of the only new things I took out of there was the question: WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU KNEW YOU COULDN'T FAIL. No they didn't teach this, it was a quote found in the blurbs of our workbook.
That is a profound statement, but you should ask yourself that. You would probably do many things different; you would definitely take more risks and live life on the edge. When you see people who run huge service industry businesses, entertainers, sports stars or multi million dollar entrepreneurs, you often ask yourself, “How did this dumb ass get this rich”. Simple, he was dumb enough to overlook the risks that would have prevented YOU from taking the chance.
Ok, I know this is a scattered post with no direction, but I needed a pep talk. When I'm not feeling the fire, I come to this sight and read my own ramblings. I click on the links I have on the right: The Jay Z HP commercial, the Tiger Woods American Express commercial, The Forbes link to millionaires. That’s why those links are there. Use Them! These things get me pumped, ready to take it to the next level.

I have been TIVO'ing the KING OF CARS on A&E. It's a great reality show about a car dealership. The main character is this big brawny Latino dude. He hustles, and motivates his sales team to hustle. This is a good way to start each day. Whatchin CHOP CHOP (that's his name because he Chops prices) "Do what it Does". That's his moniker.
I try to push myself to the limit everyday and often wake up disappointed with my progress from the previous day. I write down what I didn't do, or could've done better and keep that list in my pocket so I can get better the next day. Little things like this help. Will it make me rich....It better. Am I being to hard on myself, should I just sit back and enjoy life. Hmmmmm…..NO. This is life and I’m living it.
I'm trying something new. Other blogs have polls, and I'm starting to like that, so of course I will start running my own weekly poll. You figure I'm at about 350 of you guys per week, so we can have some fun with it. If you want me to poll anything just send me an email livinglikemike@yahoo.com (P.S. Since you guys like emailing instead of posting comments, I'm gonna start posting emails).
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