Like Jay- Z says, “What you want me to do America? I’m Back”.
It’s a new year, but we are singing the same song. Me, I’m still promising to update the blog, but managed barely to get to it everyday. Not that I have run out of material but I have run out of time. I am trying to re-focus for 2007. As I say every year, “This is my year”.
If you have already blown your New Years’ Resolutions, use your day off for Martin Luther King’s birthday as your new “first of the year”. As humans we have this option.
Like Greg says from the Greg Behrendt show, “Take baby steps”. This cat said he was over weight and had to ease into weight loss. He said he would just put his sweat suit on everyday, then take it off. Then he would put it on, go to the mail box at the end of the drive, then take it off. Then slowly but surely he begin to work out…..Baby steps..
So..what have I been doing that’s keeping me so busy you might ask?
First and foremost, I have been getting “bent over” by my current job. After the luxurious trip to Australia, I have been putting it into high gear to maintain Australia’s high opinion of our Engineering department.
The small business is actually pacing to my newest business plan, developed in August 2006. Partly because of the phenomenal weather and partly due to the low gas prices. Both which go hand in hand. You got to love supply and demand…
In the personal department, I am officially an Uncle, so you know I have to step up my game. My nephew was born on the same day as Tiger Woods And Labron James. What a great birth date to have. Possibly two of the “greatest of all times” in their prospective sports born on the same day, not to mention a tax break.
Besides that, my boy Big Steve and I have tried out for the Amazing Race. We figured why not. A half a mil, isn’t enough to retire on, but it can help dreams come true. Despite a wasted trip to Lansing and a long application we also had to make a 3 minute video to submit. We’ll see how it goes.
Of course the new TV season is here…..Desperate Housewives, Grey’s Anatomy, The Apprentice, Brother’s and Sister’s…….way too many to list. How else does a person become well rounded these days?
Nothing too exciting but enough to get me back in the swing of posting….
Happy Belated New Year!
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